Episode 09: ADHD

Today’s chat was one that we’ve been trying to organise for a little while around shifts and such – I’m so glad we did as it’s great.

Click pic for link

Katie (@katie_astrophe) is an RMN who has been living with ADHD since childhood. The discussion covers how this affects everyday life, study and through to employment. This is going to be one of a number of chapters as there’s lots more to cover!

Many thanks to Katie for spending some time talking in between night shifts, it’s very much appreciated. And thanks to Amber the Cat for the input!


Also mentioned is Louisa Hammond’s incredible MA artwork Mental Health Perspectives which really needs to be seen. Follow @louisa_hammond on instagram for more info.



source https://audioboom.com/posts/6941478

Episode 04: Work Related Stress

It’s almost inevitable nowadays that we will experience work related stress at some point in our careers.

Job insecurity, economic uncertainty. workload, terrible management or unsafe conditions – any or all can have a devastating effect on our mental health.

Click Pic for link to the episode

This week I had the pleasure of talking to our friend Anne who was kind enough to share her story of work related stress – one that will be familiar to many.

Enjoy – feel free to comment/feed back, and please find the links to the stats Here and Here.

Mind have some great tips and tricks for remaining healthy at work, have a look!

